Not Forgotten

This site is to share public records regarding patients and employees of the Traverse City Asylum, State Hospital for the Insane, Northern Michigan Asylum, Traverse City Regional Psychiatric Hospital.
There is so little information available regarding patients, often known as inmates, that I felt it was important to post, make public, the little information available, as a genealogist, researcher and briefly, an "inmate" shortly before it closed.
My homage to those who suffered.

Friday, June 5, 2015


1st Dr. James Decker Munson
September 3, 1885- July 1, 1924

2nd Dr. Earle Campbell
1924- 1926

3rd Dr. George Franklin Inch
1926- 1931

4th Superintendent R. Philip Sheets July 1, 1931 - January 3, 1956

5th Dr. M.Duane Somerness
1956- 1972

Dr. Philip P. Smith 1972-

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