Not Forgotten

This site is to share public records regarding patients and employees of the Traverse City Asylum, State Hospital for the Insane, Northern Michigan Asylum, Traverse City Regional Psychiatric Hospital.
There is so little information available regarding patients, often known as inmates, that I felt it was important to post, make public, the little information available, as a genealogist, researcher and briefly, an "inmate" shortly before it closed.
My homage to those who suffered.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Page 7, 1910 Census Northern Michigan Asylum Women

Lewandowski, Walentina 38, married, b Poland, parents born Poland, immigrated 1907, cannot read or write, died 4/15/1913, 42 yrs old, cause statis epileplicus, epilepsy, since childhood, lived at asylum 5 yrs, buried Ann Arbor

Rayle, Noyle, Ida 25, single, b Michigan
Morse, Malvina  (also 1900) 54, married, b Michigan

Milne, Anna 53, single, b Canada, pb Scotland, immigration 1872, naturalized
Norris, Luella 29, m, b MI, died 10/ 9/ 1910 at aslyum, b 1881, cause epilepsy, father John Norris, buried Oakwood Cemetery TC

O'Neil, Margaret 36, m, b Canada, pb Canada
Chase, Mary J. b 1874 in MI, father John O'Neil b NY, mother Marth Trent b NY, died at asylum, suicide by hanging*****8/2?/1920, buried West Branch, Mi

Palmer, Anna 44, single, b NY
Pennell, Nellie 66, widow, 3 children, b MI, pb Germany, died 11/15/1913 at asylum, 69 yrs old, suffocation during epileptic convulsion, buried Ann Arbor

Prato, Mary 63, m, 3 children, died 8/8/1915 at asylum, born 1847, cause pulmonary tuberculosis, lived at asylum 8 yrs, from Midland Co. buried Oakwood cem, TC

Sadeler, Anna, 33, single** died 6/18/1918 of pulmonary tuberculosis at asylum,  lived at asylum 15 yrs. buried Ann Arbor

Schimel, Jennie 61, m, b England

Shaffer, Mary Viola 26, m, 1 child, b MI, pb MI, died 10/21/1911 at asylum, acute nephritis, birth date April 16, 1883 in MI, father's name James Vandermark b Ohio, Julia Williams b South Carolina, lived at asylum 3 yrs. buried Riverdale, MI

Thiel, Lavina 21, single, b MI, pb Germany, born 1889,,died 6/16/1914 at asylum, pulmonary tuberculosis, acute enteritis, lived at asylum 6 yrs, buried Reed City, Mi.

Tyler, Minnie E. 39, single, b MI, born 1871, died 10/31/1910 at asylum, tuberculosis of elbow and lung, epilepsy, lived at asylum 18 years, buried Oakwood

Tyrrell, Harriet 36, m, b Canada in 1873, died 1/ 3/ 1912 at asylum of status epileptious, buried Saginaw Mi

Ward, Myrtle 32, widow, b Iowa, fb Ohio, mb Ohio, b 1889, died 7/25/ 1912 at asylum of status epileptious, epilepsy, buried Cadillac, Mi

Watkins, Ida 36, single, b MI, died 12/ 9/ 1910, 56 yrs old, cause aortic incompetency, epilepsy, buried Ann Arbor

Webster, Hattie B. 35, m, 5 children, b NY

Wilson, Edith M. 34, single, b England, pb England, immi 1885, died 11/20/1913 at asylum of tuberculosis, and epileptic dementia, lived at asylum 5 yrs, buried Belding.
White, Verna 31, single, b MI, pb MI
Avery, Lillian 23, m, 1 child, b Ohio, pb Ohio

Brunson, Maggie 39, m, b Indiana, pb Pennsylvania
Bertrand, Lillian 48, widow, 13 children, b Canada, fb France, mb Ireland
Benson, Lizzie 23, single, b Norway, pb Norway, immi 1893 N

Brown, Florence  20, single, b MI, fb NY, mb Canada
Brophy, Jane 64, widow, b Canada, pb Canada, immi 1880, N
Christopherson, Christina 42, m, 3 children, 1 living, b Norway, pb Norway immi 1888 N

Charon, Mary E. 36, m, 6 children, b Canada, fb Canada, mb Scotland, immi 188? Naturalized
Cartwright, Maudie, 18, single b Canada, pb Canada immi 1900
Drier, Mary 37, single, b MI, pb Germany

DeCosta, Ethel 35, m, 6 children, b MI, pb Canada
Flatter, Rosie 45, 2nd marriage, 7 children, b Ohio, fb Germany, mb Virginia
Hart, Olivia E. 32, widow, 2 children, b NY, fb NY, mb England

Hasker or Hooker, Grace 38, m. b Germany, pb Germany
Homfeld, Trientje 38, m, b Holland, pb Holland, immi 1888 N
Hawley, Ida 3?, 2nd marriage, 1 child, b NY, pb NY

Huber, Amelia 66, divorced, 7 children, b Switzerland, pb Switzerland
Koontz, Maggie 43, m, unknown*
Kell, Anna L. 33, single, b MI, pb Switzerland*

Kaczkowski, Angelina 33, m, 3 children, b MI, pb Poland
Ludka, Clarissa 49, m, b NY, fb Germany, mb Scotland
McAllister, Anna 51, m, 3 children, b Pennsylvania

Miller, Harriette 51, widow, 4 children, b MI, fb NY, mb MI
Miller, Gertrude 52, m, 5 children born. 3 living, b District of Columbia **
Minton, Matilda 46, m. 5 children, b MI, pb Germany

McClargan, Melissa 45, 2nd marriage, b Canada, pb Canada
Orri, Isabella 80 widow, 4 children, b Canada, pb England immi 1890 N
Perry, Julia A. 80, widow, 2 children, b NY, pb NY
Roethal?, Sarah J. 50, widow
Sine, Rebecca (also 1900) J. 66, 1 child, b NY, fb NY, mb Ireland

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