Not Forgotten

This site is to share public records regarding patients and employees of the Traverse City Asylum, State Hospital for the Insane, Northern Michigan Asylum, Traverse City Regional Psychiatric Hospital.
There is so little information available regarding patients, often known as inmates, that I felt it was important to post, make public, the little information available, as a genealogist, researcher and briefly, an "inmate" shortly before it closed.
My homage to those who suffered.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Causes of Death for Inmates, Patients

From pages 17-19
Causes of death, as stated on Grand Traverse Death Records
Bright's disease (kidney disease) 3
Apoplexy (cerebral hemorrhage, stroke) 2
Tuberculosis (6 cases)
Organic brain disease (usually senility or dementia) 4 (1 at 36)
Epilepsy and hemorrhage from lungs
Pernicious anemia (maybe disease related, genetic or from malnutrition 
"Complications of intestine as result of peritoneal abscess due to fall from window-seat untacked"
Heart disease (6 cases)
TB, exhaustion and epilepsy 
Intestinal obstruction
Paretic dysentery (paretic- relating to or suffering from paralysis )
Paretic dementia 2
Acute ileo-colitis (intestinal disease)
Acute dysentery 
Heart disease & delusional insanity

Brain cancer
Septicemia due to septic elbow (injury or wound that turned into a nasty infection)
Uremia acute (blood in urine)
Dysentery, senility
Laryngeal papill.. & TB
Paretic demential, cognitive seizure
Cerebral apoplexy

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